Halloween Party ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘ป

Get ready for the scariest night of the year. Join us on Friday, November 1st at the Club House (Einsteinweg 6), starting at 9:30 PM and lasting until the brave survive. It’s time for the “Night of Terrors: Dress to Distress” Halloween Party, and you do not want to miss this! Come dressed in your most terrifying costumesโ€”there will be prizes for the best-dressed! Expect DJs, candy, and bone-chilling decorations that will keep the night thrilling. Can you handle it? This is the party of the year, and it’s one you can’t afford to miss. +1s are welcome!

EL CID / OWL 2024 ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค

EL CID and OWL 2024: All information! English below Kom gezellig langs bij ons tijdens de EL CID! Hier kan je je alvast inschrijven voor volgend seizoen en vergroot je kansen om lid te worden. Wij zullen zowel bij de informatiemarkt als de sportdag en LEF aanwezig zijn. Daarnaast hebben we open trainingen die je kunt bijwonen zonder een abonnement op het Universitair Sportcentrum (USC) te hoeven kopen! De data zijn: Het is prima als je later aankomt dan de starttijd. De laatste selectie- en introductiedag is op zaterdag 31 augustus. Dit is ook de laatste dag dat je kunt…

LIT 2024: Superheroes ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ

The Leiden International Tournament is back in full force this year! The theme for this years tournament: superheroes! ๐Ÿ“… 23-25th February, 2024 We are excited you want to join the LIT 2024! The LIT is happening from Friday, 23-02-2024 to Sunday, 25-02-2024. The tournament will take place at the USC Leiden (Einsteinweg 6, 2333 CC Leiden). The Super LIT 2024 will start on Friday night, with most games being played on Saturday and the final games on Sunday. Besides basketball, we have a lot more in store for you. We will have parties as well as fun basketball and non-basketball…

New season 2023/24 registrations are now open!!! ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ”–

The time is here! The new season is about to begin and we are opening registration for people who want to join the best university basketball in town! Follow this link to our google form and add your details so we can get in touch with you with more details. There are already a lot of sign-ups so don’t waste time and go ahead before spaces run out! For any questions feel free to drop us an email over at Update March 2024: Responses are no longer actively monitored. If you would have interest, please mail us!

Summer open practices โ˜€๏ธ

The time has finally come – it’s summer . What better way to enjoy it then to come together and play some ball! Here is the updated time schedule for the summer practices: Week 19th June – 25th June: Weeks 26th June – 9th July: Reminder:Summer practices are open for everyone who wants to try out the club and the sport. So come and join us on the court and have a great time! Do you know you already want to sign-up for next year? Amazing!!! Go ahead and add your details here and we will be reaching out throughout the…