
Activity calendar

Ladies and gentleman! As you all already know, this year we have an activity calendar. Check it out and put block it in your schedule today to never miss an opportunity to meet LUSV players and have a great time!


After the highest visited tournament in years – and the most amazing highlights you would ever see at the USC – the pubquiz was a incredibly ‘gezellig’ event. With our two amazing quizmasters Zuuk and Florian, everyone was able to get to know each other, the history of LUSV, and a bunch of useless facts. Overall the pubquiz last week was a smashing success! The leaderboard was also introduced. For the ones who were not there: The board will cook for the entire team that attended the most events. The score is percentual so everyone can win. Dames 2 is…

E-scheidsrechter gezocht!

HELP!!! Het lieve leuke gezellige Dames 1 heeft heel hard jullie hulp nodig. Wij zijn namelijk hard op zoek naar een E-scheidsrechter voor dit seizoen. Afgelopen jaar zijn wij zoals jullie weten kampioen geworden in de 2de divisie en ook dit jaar gaan wij weer ons uiterste best doen en zijn we al goed gestart. Helaas heeft 1 van onze scheidsen zich teruggetrokken en zijn wij met spoed (deze week!!) opzoek naar een nieuwe scheids! Wat bieden wij? Voor het fluiten van 12 wedstrijden krijg je; 250 euro, de NBB vergoeding en reiskostenvergoeding. Heb jij interesse of weet jij iemand…


Dear members, The board is trying their best to findĀ  new sponsors for the upcoming year. However there are some simpler methods to receive money, which we can spend on fun activities. An example is sponsorkliks, through using the following banner! Using sponsorkliks we receive a certain percentage of your expenditure on items you would have bought anyway. Companies like:, and expedia are affiliated with sponsorkliks. Don’t forget to inform your teammates about this! Sincerely, The board